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Do these “open hands” represent Zimbabwe’s opposition party?

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zim-praise.jpgWhat do you do when you attend a gospel music show and are inspired? Don’t you put your hands up in the air and shout, “Amen, praise the lord”? Well, I would.

Apparently some people in our government think otherwise. The Media and Information Commission (MIC) whose business it is to accredit newspapers and journalists think some gospel music producers have taken the gospel too far. According to The Standard newspaper, Geoffrey Chaparadza who was involved in the production of the album was summoned by the MIC to explain why he had produced an “opposition music album”.

For those who don’t know, Zimbabwe’s main opposition party, the Movement for Democratic Change (MDC) uses the open hand as its symbol.

So when the authorities saw the album cover titled, “Zim-Praise Volume 1″ they began to panic because the album has people with open palms praising the lord.

Such actions by the authorities are worrying. Do we now have to praise the lord with clenched fists? By so doing someone will also question why we are declaring our support for the ruling party ZANU PF because their party supporters raise clenched fists whenever they chant their slogans.

Those interested in getting a copy of the album will have to wait a while. The album is not yet stocked in any music shop for very obvious reasons. It’s not clear if the producers will give in to the authorities and re-design the album cover.

However, I must say the 15 new songs on the album are uplifting. So please forgive me when I raise my hands and praise the lord as I listen to Bethen Pasinawake’s Tinokurumbidzai (We Worship You Lord).

3 comments to “Do these “open hands” represent Zimbabwe’s opposition party?”

  1. Comment by Global Voices Online » Blog Archive » Zimbabwe: taking gospel too far!:

    [...] Is putting your hands up in the air illegal in Zimbabwe?: The Media and Information Commission (MIC) whose business it is to accredit newspapers and journalists think some gospel music producers have taken the gospel too far. According to The Standard newspaper, Geoffrey Chaparadza who was involved in the production of the album was summoned by the MIC to explain why he had produced an “opposition music album”. Ndesanjo Macha [...]

  2. Comment by …My heart’s in Accra » links for 2007-03-30:

    [...] kubatanablogs.net ? Blog Archive ? Do these “open hands” represent Zimbabwe’s opposition party? Taurai has a wonderful piece of absurdity from Zimbabwe – a gospel album banned because the open hands, raised in praise, on the cover reminded censors of the open hand logo of the opposition MDC party (tags: africa zimbabwe freespeech censorship) [...]

  3. Comment by Kate Sobolewski:

    Hi folks. I would very much like to purchase/procure this CD “Zimpraise”. Please direct me to whom I should contact. I would like to play selections on my weekly show, The Radio Kiosk.
    I have been making mention of your kubatana site and some of the protests and issues you face.

    keep in touch,
    The Radio Kiosk
    music and commentary
    Fridays 11 a.m – 1 p.m. EST USA
    internet-only radio