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Archive for August, 2013

A predetermined destiny

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Friday, August 23rd, 2013 by Lenard Kamwendo

Feeling disillusioned and alienated and the sense of belonging to an entity called Zimbabwe is fast fading. We have now had three consecutive elections that don’t seem to be helping in resolving the problems the nation has been facing for the past decade. If nobody bothers to respect the outcome of an election why then continue investing in such kind of a democracy? Isn’t it elections are supposed to help us resolve the great questions of our day, so that once one side of the argument wins, we can let it guide our decisions until the people feel the need for a change in direction? Alluding to everything and pretending to be enjoying every bit that comes with the election aftermath is now normal coping strategy as we continue to do soul searching on the direction the country is heading. For how long we will hold on depends on the men with the reigns over the mighty forces of the land.

Please go home

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Friday, August 23rd, 2013 by Marko Phiri

Timeslive reader comment: “The tyrant is so frail that he can’t even hold his arm up anymore. Zimbabwe, like Africa, deserves what it gets. Now will all the Zimbos in South Africa please go home, you have had your free and fair elections absent of violence.”

Xenophobic attacks in the making?

Presidential promises

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Friday, August 23rd, 2013 by Bev Clark

“The peasant who cast his vote on July 31 created my victory. I am at his service. I am his emissary and servant.” Robert Mugabe

So does that mean we can all queue up at his mansion in Borrowdale with our empty buckets and get some water? Please.

Coercion by traditional leaders

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Friday, August 23rd, 2013 by Bev Clark

From a rural subscriber:

 is continuing, this time severely.Two weeks ago people were forced to contribute towards Heroes Day celebrations in rural areas & now it is contributions towards the inauguration of the local headman. Are celebrations forced to be contributed towards or it is someone’s wish? Rural people have suffered much yet they struggle to get money. Who will liberate them from the scavenging leaders?

Books, and their uses

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Friday, August 23rd, 2013 by Bev Clark


How We Let People Go

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Friday, August 23rd, 2013 by Bev Clark

Of course, you never really forget anyone, but you certainly release them. You stop allowing their history to have any meaning for you today. You let them change their haircut, let them move, let them fall in love again. And when you see this person you have let go, you realize that there is no reason to be sad. The person you knew exists somewhere, but you are separated by too much time to reach them again. – Chelsea Fagan, How We Let People Go