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Archive for April, 2013

Give Zimbabwean pole dancers a break

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Tuesday, April 9th, 2013 by Elizabeth Nyamuda

In one of Kubatana’s recent newsletters, in the very interesting what’s up section, we wondered if Zimbabwe were to hold the inaugural Harare International Carnival, whether the likes of Lady Gaga and other international artists might surprise and delight audiences with some unscripted remarks on, for example, the right to freedom of expression. It seems there is a lot more to wonder about regarding the line up at the carnival. ZTA chief executive, Kaseke, has said that there will be a Samba night during the carnival. In the report carried by the The Herald, he states that its strictly no under 18.

“There will be a Samba night. Only samba dance that night. Strictly no under 18! Samba dance is for adults, ask those who have been to Brazil. It is explosive.”

Samba dance is of Brazilian origin. The dance is sexual as evidenced by the moves and nudity. What amazes me is that we as a nation have failed to accept our dancers in the pole dancing and stripping business. Bevy and Zoey were once arrested last year for public indecency. So a nation that can hold in detention its local dancers, is holding a Samba night? We are all excited about the carnival so no more knives out for local dancers; let’s level the playing field. In fact it will be interesting if we could have our local dancers take up Samba for the carnival too.