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Archive for November, 2012

Tsvangirai and pimples

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Tuesday, November 6th, 2012 by Bev Clark

Zanu PF has helped Tsvangirai gorge on the perks of power to get him fat like a pimple ready to be squeezed. Motorcades, mansions, women, trips abroad. The Savoy Hotel, one of the most prestigious hotels in London is his most recent accommodation of choice. Tsvangirai may well, at this time, be a better choice than Mugabe. But he’s showing some serious signs that he’s learning some really bad habits, really quickly.

{Note to customs at Harare International Airport: please search Morgan and Elizabeth like you do all of us ordinary folk and make sure to charge them duty on their UK shopping}

ZBC shops for customers

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Tuesday, November 6th, 2012 by Elizabeth Nyamuda

Buy one get one for free! 40 per cent discount on all purchases! Get a free product for every purchase! This is how retailers lure customers especially towards the festive season. The Zimbabwe Broadcasting Corporation is offering such unbelievable promotions to advertisers that you’d think they’ve turned into a shop ready for Christmas. They are giving massive 40% discounts and free radio slots for every TV slot purchased. This is more to do with the pressure of the competition from the launch of two new radio stations in Zimbabwe than anything else. And to try and keep existing customers and lure new ones, ZBC plays its promotional adverts more than it plays adverts by advertisers! Imagine the heat the ZBC would experience if real life independent public media got licensed in Zimbabwe.

Most common password

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Monday, November 5th, 2012 by Elizabeth Nyamuda

Research has shown that the most common password used is the word ‘password’ itself and the numbers 123456. The list also has iloveyou, football, sunshine and jesus. According to the list the top ten passwords are as follows:

1. password
2, 123456
3. 12345678
4. abc123
5. qwerty
6. monkey
7. letmein
8. dragon
9. 111111
10. baseball

Politics and faith in Zimbabwe

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Monday, November 5th, 2012 by Bev Clark

When I asked a colleague why Tsvangirai is in the UK, she said, gone shopping? Such faith we have in our politicians.


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Monday, November 5th, 2012 by Bev Clark