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Archive for December, 2011

Loving Zimbabwe more than democracy

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Friday, December 2nd, 2011 by Michael Laban

At the MPOI event on Thursday, 24 Nov 2011. Four speakers on “2011 in Retrospect And A Prognosis For 2012”. Lots of interesting stuff, and they all droned on and on as they will do!

But what got me sitting upright was the Zanu PF speaker – Goodson Nguni. He did not speak as a Zanu PF spokesman, but as a staunch Zanu PFer. And what he said held my interest.

“We love democracy, but we love Zimbabwe more than we love democracy.”

Now what does this mean? He explained, and I understood, that democracy is all well and good but Zanu PF intends to retain a grip on Zimbabwe even if democracy – that is, the will of the people (of Zimbabwe) – tells them to let go. So democracy cannot unseat them. They will retain power … just because. They believe they know what Zimbabwe wants better than Zimbabweans. They believe they know what is better for Zimbabwe than Zimbabweans do. They believe they own Zimbabwe. They believe Zimbabwe is them.

Which basically means they are not democrats. They do not believe in democracy.

All the people who died for the right to vote were actually dying to put Zanu PF in power. Not for democracy.

He further stated “the war vets did not fight for elections, they fought for the end of Rhodesia.”

So, help me. Is my understanding of what he said correct?

And is this not what Gbagbo is being tried in The Hague for a this time? He lost the elections, and instead of stepping down (bowing to democracy), he unleashed a wave of violence, which resulted in many people being killed.

He loved Cote D’Ivoire more than he loved democracy.

Questionable character of Zimbabwe’s Prime Minister

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Friday, December 2nd, 2011 by Upenyu Makoni-Muchemwa

After a questionable traditional ceremony, a ridiculously high amount paid to Ms Karimatsenga’s family and two weeks (or to use the Herald’s more accurate 12 days) filled with media and public speculation about his marital status, the Prime Minister finally has something to say about it.

We should ask if he was ever married to begin with. The only piece of information that hasn’t been contested is that on ‘Friday 18 November a delegation from the Tsvangirai family went to the Karimatsenga family homestead to perform traditional and cultural rites’. The figures of the damages or roora are disputed. With the Tembo family being quoted as telling the media it was $36 000 and unnamed MDC-T officials lowering it to less than $10 000. Everything following the ceremony is arguable.

From the beginning the Prime Minister and his spokespeople have refused to disclose details of what happened on that fateful day in Christon Bank. The Tembo’s reportedly described Tsvangirai arriving at his in-laws’ home in a convoy with enough ‘groceries to fill a house’. Ms Karimatsenga’s aunt is quoted by New Zimbabwe describing Tsvangirai as a ‘cultured son-in-law’ who ‘removed his shoes as per custom’. She goes on to say:

“Imagine if you were in my position. How would you feel? Who would not want to have a Prime Minister as a son-in-law? There are many Senators and MPs, but there is only one Prime Minister. We consider ourselves very lucky and we are happy for the two.”

In contrast, those in the PMs camp have stridently refused to confirm anything other than a meeting took place between the two families.

In the two weeks that followed, the Tembo’s through the Herald went to town with the story. Various members of Ms Karimatsenga’s family are quoted describing their joy in great detail. The Herald’s uncharacteristic interest in the union is also telling. It is difficult to rationalise that a paper whose hostile editorial stance towards the Prime Minister would take a sudden interest in his marital affairs unless a scandal was involved. And of course a scandal did surface. During the PMs silence, which that paper attributed to his need to end his other affairs with four other aspirant Second First Ladies, the Herald published an article about Ms. Karimatsenga’s main rival in romance, Elizabeth Guma. It appeared that the PM had also promised her he would marry her, with one source even saying:

“When you wrote the first story that Mr Tsvangirai had married, I thought it was all about Elizabeth. She has been in love with him and many people close to her are aware of the relationship.”

Coupled with rumours printed as facts about the state of Ms Karimatsenga’s pregnancy, this story implied that the PM was marrying because she was pregnant.

However, the fact of the pregnancy itself was also cause for media gossip. Some sources state that Ms. Karimatsenga is seven months pregnant with twins, and others refute this, quoting mysterious unnamed senior MDC-T sources who allege that she and her family were using a false pregnancy to trap Zimbabwe’s most eligible widower into marriage.

In the face of such extensive media speculation, the Prime Minister remained strikingly silent on the matter. His official spokesman, Luke Tamborinyika, did not help matters by issuing strange and ambiguous statements. He is variously quoted speaking in riddles, where a simple yes or no would have sufficed. It seems the only people who were trying to avoid this embarrassing incident by being clear in their responses were mysterious ‘unnamed senior MDC-T officials’ whose very existence is questionable.

When finally the PM did decide to make his official position public, his statement is also full of ambiguities. In a statement tellingly titled: “Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai’s position on his reported marriage” Mr. Tsvangirai denies that he was present at the ceremony, yet it is customary for the groom to meet his in-laws after the bride price has been negotiated. His absence seems to indicate that it was not roora that was being paid. Further, the statement makes no reference to an actual marriage taking place, just that there is a ‘relationship’. It is possible that the ceremony was to pay ‘damages’ which also formalises his relationship with the Karimatsenga family as the father to one of their daughter’s children.

In all fairness to the PM, I quite doubt that the affairs of state, such as they are, couldn’t wait for at least a day should he have been married. It is improbable that the Mr. Tsvangirai, a role model to millions of Zimbabwean men, would find the time in his busy schedule to make Ms. Karimatsenga pregnant (with twins!) out of wedlock, but not have time to meet his supposed in-laws. But it is a shame that the PM when faced with the same situation as many young men, has handled it with a lot less grace. Munya Chidzonga faced with the same sort of circumstances left no room for speculation at any point in his relationship with the mother of his son.

So what really happened? Truthfully, it’s none of our business and in the grand scheme of things it doesn’t matter. But the office of Prime Minister is a public one, and public attention to his private life is something the Prime Minister should be, if not comfortable with, then at least aware of. Despite what he and several media allege are the machinations of ZANU PF in tarnishing his image, the Prime Minister has successfully accomplished this himself. Ours is a society that expects powerful men to have at least a wife, a girlfriend and a little something on the side. Therefore, he could not have been publicly humiliated for sowing his wild, if aged, oats about the savannah.  But love in the time of HIV/AIDS, especially as a public official, is a difficult thing. Who will take him seriously when he endorses the ABCs of safer sex when it is clear he does not practice it?  And what kind of man leaves the future mother of his child and possible bride to defend herself against the wolves when he has full knowledge of what they are capable of?  That he did not clarify his position with regard to the traditional ceremony or his relationship with Ms. Karimatsenga a lot sooner is very telling of his character as a man.

Crossing the picket line

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Thursday, December 1st, 2011 by Bev Clark

This guy sounds like a complete knob.

Top Gear presenter said live on air that public sector workers out on strike should be ‘executed in front of their families’

World AIDS Day

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Thursday, December 1st, 2011 by Bev Clark

Kubatana’s World AIDS Day winning text message sent in from a subscriber:

To prevent HIV transmission try various sex positions with one partner. NOT one position with various partners.
- Lloyd Nyarota

Meant to be

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Thursday, December 1st, 2011 by Bev Clark

16 Days of Gender Activism: Violence is not just killing women, it is killing the economy

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Thursday, December 1st, 2011 by Varaidzo Tagwireyi

The many women who are violated in our country have duties in society. They have things they have to do and ways in which they contribute to the Zimbabwe being what is on a daily basis. Whether she is a teacher, street vendor, nurse, secretary or indeed a housewife, she is making a consistent contribution to society, regardless of whether she is paid or not.

When workers get injured either at work, or while off duty, he/she is either compensated and/or given time off to recuperate. Either way, the individual’s productivity is affected by these injuries. Why then do we not see that injuries sustained by a woman who is affected by gender based violence (GBV) affect both her physical well being as well as her ability to perform her designated duties, therefore impacting negatively on the economy?

Who does the work … while she nurses her wounds, while the police give her the run-around, while she pursues her case against a perpetrator in the courts, or when the monster has finally killed her? Who will do the work while women continue to be violated?

Society’s apathy towards the apparent increase of GBV frightens me. Maybe if we look at this issue from a purely selfish point of view, that of wanting to ensure that the economy flourishes and that business continues as usual, we might finally grasp the seriousness of the impact of GBV. Read the following article from the Herald for a more in-depth look at how GBV impacts Zimbabwe economically:

They are the mothers, teachers, cleaners, caregivers, cooks, nurses, entrepreneurs, vendors and cross-border traders. The list of women’s contribution to society and the country’s economy is endless yet in most cases unrecognised or even ignored. Worse still, their loved ones barter them.

While gender-based violence is perpetrated by both men and women, UNFPA reports that 95 percent of victims are women while 99 percent perpetrators are male. Indeed, Zimbabwe’s financial economy is dependent on women’s reproductive and care-giving work for the fitness, well-being and the very existence of the paid workforce. The economy also relies a great deal on women to pick up the pieces ignored by the paid economy. These include nursing elderly people, tutoring and childcare. The value of unpaid work is as much a part of the monetary economy as paid work. Yet precisely because it is unpaid, the work has long been overlooked and undermined in the economic equations. Sometimes women themselves ignore the fact that unpaid work is actually work.

Some of the women who are not formally employed and stay at home will say they are not employed and overlook the cleaning jobs at home. These are unpaid duties expected of them by society, nothing more.

This is due to the many years of socialisation women underwent from childhood when they would be given dolls and pots to play with while boys where given cars, toy guns and bicycles to ride.

Interestingly, when the same woman gets an office job and they hire a domestic worker, they are expected to pay the domestic worker.

Some women have dedicated their time and energy towards volunteer care work yet it is also another vital unpaid contribution women make to their communities as well as to the economy.

Volunteer work is varied and extensive and takes a lot of energy out of women who also have to go to their homes and take care of their families.

But despite all these contributions to the country’s economy, most women are subjected to all forms of gender-based violence. The Multiple Indicator Monitoring Survey of 2009 indicated that in Mashonaland Central Province some women are beaten up for simple things like burning a pot of sadza, failing to look after children, refusing to have sex, going out without telling their husbands and arguing with husbands.

Many women have lost their lives leaving behind children some as young as two months old. Some cases have gone unreported with the victims suffering in silence. Placard-holding women have marched on the streets denouncing this monster that has “feasted” on the flesh of many women.

Some members of our society have simply watched the increasing cases of GBV with apathy.

Unscrupulous people would rather report the matter in their neighbourhood to “H-Metro” as part of their entertainment, while some law enforcement agents are reportedly dismissing GBV reports by women as trivia.

Most dangerously, some people have accepted GBV, especially between married couples as a “normal” phenomenon.

This year’s commemoration of the16 Days of Activism Against Gender Violence stretching from November 25 to December 10 should be a time of introspection for perpetrators of GBV, families, society, government and everyone who cares.

Perpetrators of GBV should carefully study their balance sheets and income flows and establish the economic impacts of their heinous deeds.

They should publish full statements showing how much they fork out to pay for the medical bills incurred by their maimed wives, litigation, transport on trips to hospital, airtime to seek counselling from relatives and friends.

And there is absence from the woman’s care work while she nurses wounds if not funeral costs.

The Government and the police should consider the amount of taxpayers’ money that is lost through the court processes, calculate how much money is spent to convene a full court session, paperwork, and prosecutor and judge to preside over GBV matters. What about the pressure of work added to the already overwhelmed hospital staff and equipment?

The police should realise GBV is a burden to the national fiscus and that has a direct impact on their salaries too.

Police attended to 1 940 cases in 2008, increasing to 3 193 in 2009, then skyrocketing to 7 628 in 2010. Between January and March this year, 2 536 cases have already been reported to police, a high number compared to that of last year during the same period.

The majority of the reported cases are those of physical violence but sadly most of the cases are withdrawn before going to court or in court. Any right thinking police force should be concerned about these records. So should everyone else.

Its is apparent that 16 Days of Activism Against Gender Violence is not long enough to address GBV. However, the annual campaign serves to mobilise support for zero tolerance to GBV for the many generations to come.

The 16 Days of Activism Against Gender Violence is an international campaign originating from the first Women’s Global Leadership Institute sponsored by the Centre for Women’s Global Leadership in 1991.

Participants chose the dates, November 25, International Day Against Violence Against Women and December 10, International Human Rights Day, in order to symbolically link violence against women and human rights and to emphasise that such violence is a violation of human rights.

This 16-day period also highlights other significant dates including November 29, International Women Human Rights Defenders Day, December 1, World Aids Day, and December 6, which marks the anniversary of the Montreal Massacre.

The 16 Days Campaign has been used as an organising strategy by individuals and groups around the world to call for the elimination of all forms of violence against women.

If zero tolerance against GBV means zero tolerance against economic distress, then Zimbabwe should use its budget, its police force, its politics and all means necessary to stop violence against women.
