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Archive for April, 2011

That billion-dollar question

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Monday, April 11th, 2011 by Marko Phiri

When there was this huge business moguls shindig east of the country [wise men eh?] a few weeks ago about constructing a billion-dollar economy in the next two decades, news copy was awash with glowing editorialising about these men and women pitching their blueprint for a fabulously rich Zimbabwe. If the country’s political gladiators set aside their differences surely the USD1 billion economy was not a psychedelic reverie. With the right political will and economic genius from the private sector, Zimbabwe would be the biggest economy south of the Sahara.

The Vee Pee Mujuru was hailed for speaking with the level headedness that appeared to have surprised many: this is the commitment the country needs from its political leaders, the business heavies heaved. All the contradictions that have emerged in this country about promoting investment on one had and threatening – and indeed going ahead with – company takeovers were set aside or conveniently forgotten, after all what was to be gained by raising those concerns when there was an economy to be [re]built, money to be made, jobs created, detractors shamed, etc. Yet the very issues that were identified as inimical to the creation of a billion-dollar economy have been revisited on the country with doubled resolve. Which investor wants to put his money where cops gas mourners, throws teargas into churches, deny political parties and law abiding citizens right to assemble, bans free thought rallies etc.

We already know that some major potential investors are from countries where liberal democracy rules the day and companies are only too aware that choosing countries that do not respect human rights risk a boycott of their business. So how do we have it both ways such that we liberally and violently suppress prayers for peace and at the same time lobby international investors who come from backgrounds that respect human rights to pour in their multi-millions to create jobs and build that billion-dollar economy? Obviously these are questions that are not of concern to the authorities who unleash such brute force on “peace-loving Zimbabweans,” but you sure feel sorry for those heavy weights who pitched this billion-dollar economic utopia that while they obviously mean well, the very folks to whom they pitch these grand plans throw spanners and gonyets into the works. But for what exactly? Such a pity, living in the city is like living in the time of Frank Nitty.

Police violently suppress prayer for peace

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Saturday, April 9th, 2011 by Amanda Atwood

Never mind the MDC rallies which were blocked last month.

On Wednesday mourners were beaten at a memorial service organised by the Heal Zimbabwe Trust.

And now today, riot police stormed a prayer for peace. According to the statement below from Zimbabwe Lawyers for Human Rights, they assaulted congregants who were inside and outside the church, and they used tear gas to disperse congregants.

Ironically, according to ZLHR, one objective of the service was to “commemorate the events of the 11 March 2007 Save Zimbabwe Prayer Meeting, where one activist Gift Tandare was shot dead while over 100 political and human rights activists were arrested, tortured and detained through similar heavy-handed police action.”

Read the full ZLHR statement below:

ZLHR condemns police abuses in suppressing prayer for peace

Anti-riot police on Saturday 9 April 2011 violently stormed and suppressed a church service organised to pray for peace in Glen Norah suburb of Harare.

The church service had originally been scheduled for St Peters Kubatana Centre in Highfields, but the venue was changed after police camped in Highfields overnight and sealed off the venue to block people from accessing the grounds.

A truck load of riot police carrying tear gas rifles and truncheons descended on the Nazarene Church in Glen Norah while the service was underway, stormed the church hall during prayer, and dispersed the congregation, which included many church, civic and community leaders.

The police, numbering about 20, assaulted congregants who were inside and outside the church and used tear gas to drive congregants out of the church and eventually out of the volatile suburb.

The police went on to indiscriminately fire tear gas canisters at residences and churches surrounding the venue of the church service. Even children who were within and outside the parameters of the church were affected by the tear smoke and the police clampdown.

The police arrested Pastor Mukome, the Resident Priest at the Nazarene Church, Pastor Isaya and some other congregants.

A team of lawyers from Zimbabwe Lawyers for Human Rights (ZLHR) observed police indiscriminately arresting people walking near the environs of the Church of Nazarene even after they had suppressed the service and hounded congregants out of the suburb.

ZLHR lawyers have been deployed to attend to those who have been arrested.

The service was organised by a coalition of churches under the theme “Saving Zimbabwe . . . the unfinished journey”. The church service was aimed at presenting an opportunity to pray for peace in Zimbabwe as part of the process of finishing the journey to save the country. It was also meant to commemorate the events of the 11 March 2007 Save Zimbabwe Prayer Meeting, where one activist Gift Tandare was shot dead while over 100 political and human rights activists were arrested, tortured and detained through similar heavy-handed police action.

ZLHR unreservedly condemns the events of Saturday 9 April 2011 and the indiscriminate violence meted out by police whose responsibility is to see that fundamental freedoms such as freedom of assembly, expression and worship, are enjoyed by all Zimbabwe citizens. Such criminal behaviour makes a mockery of the SADC Troika Communique, issued in Livingstone on 31 March 2011 in which the Zimbabwe government was warned to immediately end the harassment, arbitrary arrests, intimidation and violence which is currently prevailing in the country. It also calls into question the sincerity of pleas from political players such as Oppah Muchinguri who, only the previous day, urged people to turn to prayer as a contribution to efforts towards national healing and reconciliation.

ZLHR urges restraint by the police, an immediate investigation into the unlawful conduct of the police involved in Saturday’s disruptions, and calls for an opening up of space for people to freely assemble, associate and worship rather than the criminalisation of such lawful activities.

Watch out

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Friday, April 8th, 2011 by Upenyu Makoni-Muchemwa

Hand made crafts on sale at a Zimbabwean market.

Is Jonathan Moyo an Evil Genius?

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Friday, April 8th, 2011 by Upenyu Makoni-Muchemwa

Since attending a SAPES Seminar last year where Jonathan Moyo presented on the topic NGOs, Donors and Zimbabwe’s Transition, I’ve harboured a deep suspicion that he is in fact an evil genius the likes which have only previously been seen in comic books as the antagonist to some super naturally inclined being, and mere mortals, like myself, don’t stand a chance against his superior intellect. Today Professor John Makumbe confirmed my suspicions:

I think he is insane. He has the capacity and the intelligence to expose the reality of ZANU PF, but he goes beyond that and makes ZANU PF more evil than it actually is. Instead of accepting ZANU PF, you are revolted by it as a result of what Jonathan Moyo has done to it. He has transformed it into a monster, literally. He is an intelligent guy, a brilliant guy…but anything he does, if he’s doing something good he will do it so well, if he’s doing something bad he will [also] do it well! When he loves, I think he loves fully, and when he hates, he hates totally. That’s Jonathan.

I never forget when he became Minister of Information and Publicity and the journalists were screaming… and he said ‘you ain’t seen nothing yet!’ and for sure, he banged them left right and centre.

If he is not managed, Jonathan Moyo will very easily ensure ZANU PFs demise … complete demise.

Obviously, I’m intrigued. If you are reading this Mr. Moyo, won’t you grant me an interview to either confirm or deny my suspicions?

Clean start

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Friday, April 8th, 2011 by Bev Clark

We need some people like Nuhu Ribadu in Zimbabwe. Our health care system is in tatters yet Mugabe gets the best medical treatment. His children are in the best schools. His house could house a thousand homeless. Here’s an interview from Monocle magazine . . . really worth a subscription.

Clean Start

Nigeria’s first anti-corruption chief Nuhu Ribadu was so effective he was sacked and fled the country, fearing for his life. Now he’s back running for president.

When Nuhu Ribadu launched his presidential campaign at the end of last year, he took to the stage clutching a broom. This was a symbol of his pledge to clean up Nigeria, Africa’s most populous country and the continent’s biggest oil and gas producer, where vast energy revenue have mostly been diverted into the pockets of the elite.

Ribadu says he is the country’s best chance for reform in an election due on 9 April (Since delayed to 16 April). Yet just one year ago, Ribadu felt unable to set a foot in Nigeria, let alone lead it. As the first head of Nigeria’s Economic and Financial Crimes Commission, set up in 2003, Ribadu had pursued corrupt politicians, civil servants and the country’s “419″ internet scammers.

But challengers to Nigeria’s “big men” are rarely tolerated for long. He was soon forced to take a year’s leave, suffered death threats and fled to the UK. He only returned home last year after the unexpected death of President Umaru Ya’Adua. He speaks to Monocle about his political ambitions.

Monocle: Nigeria is Africa’s giant, yet it is widely considered to fall short of its potential. What is holding it back?

Nuhu Ribadu: Corruption is at the root of everything. If the money that belongs to the state ends up in a few hands and is used for negative purposes, there will certainly be no money for development. Our presidential fleet has more than 10 aircraft, but the country doesn’t have a single good hospital.

M: How would you reform Nigeria?
NR: I would be an honest leader. This is a very top-down place, where corruption happens simply because leaders are doing it. Second, I will open up the oil industry and follow the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative. Third, I will clean up the justice system and police force and create laws to protect whistleblowers.

M: Nigeria’s ruling People’s Democratic Party has won every poll since army rule ended in 1999. Is there any chance for opposition candidates like you?
NR: The PDP has never won a proper election and this year we are taking steps to ensure that you cannot steal elections easily. This is a real chance for the opposition and the country.

M: How should the international community react if the poll is rigged? After the last polls in 2007, they criticised the widespread fraud but accepted the results.
NR: The time has come for the international community to insist that things are done correctly. If the outcome is not to their standards, they should not recognise the winner.

M: How will you run a clean campaign in a political system that relies on corrupt god-fathers and sponsors? Will you probe your own backers?
NR: I’m not a policeman anymore. I’m trying to lead. So I won’t say that, if you donate a car to me, I’ll start probing and checking and saying I must know where you get your money. But that also doesn’t mean that I’ll take big money from anyone who brings it.

M: Do you still fear for your life? What security measures do you take?
NR: It’s not my nature to travel in an armed convoy. I’m not 100 percent safe but neither is anyone who lives in a country like Nigeria. My situation is only a little worse than that of others.

Source: Monocle

Swimming with the fruit

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Friday, April 8th, 2011 by Tina Rolfe

I was sitting watching TV last night, not for long mind, because there is nothing worth watching on a Thursday. And there is everything worth watching all at the same time on a Tuesday. If you are not the proud owner of a PVR you are either in an agony of indecision or in a fully-fledged-TV-remote-sharing fight on a Tuesday and forced into early retirement on a Thursday (even with the PVR). I was in bed by 7.

In the not-so-brief advertising break a particular ad caught my attention. Picture this: stunning brunette in skimpy bikini and tan, strides along white sandy beach, dives into azure waters, finds herself swimming with pears and other assorted fruit (underwater – no sign of fish). She chooses a pear and rises to the surface glistening with pearls of water, her hair artistically arranged (mine always clumps together, nothing “artistic” about it), smiles with her strong white teeth and suddenly disappears behind a box of Liqui Fruit. Yes I remember the product – sometimes I am so blown away by the advert itself that I couldn’t tell you what was being advertised – like the Schumacher/car advert where he drives on the ceiling of a tunnel – who can remember the make of the car?

I had to laugh. I said to my husband that I often take a dip on a hot afternoon with my fruit basket, and he should come home earlier, because I also leave the water looking like that … must be the pears.

By the way, my daughter wants a bar of Lux soap. She thinks it comes with the pretty sweeping pink dress in the advert.

Disappointment is just around the corner.