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Archive for June, 2010

Court Orders mean nothing in Zimbabwe

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Friday, June 11th, 2010 by Bev Clark

Here is a statement just in from the Law Society of Zimbabwe:

The Law Society of Zimbabwe (LSZ) wishes to express its deepest concern at recent media reports that a government Minister has told villagers to defy a Court Order.

Minister of Presidential Affairs and ZANU PF Secretary for Administration Didymus Mutasa reportedly told villagers in Chipinge that they should not vacate Makandi Tea and Coffee Estates despite a Court ruling ordering them to do so.  It is the LSZ’s contention that the Minister may have committed an offence of Contempt of Court.

During the inaugural Joint Judiciary and Legal Practitioners Colloquium held in September 2009, stakeholders, among them members of the judiciary, expressed serious concern over the disobedience of court orders especially by state actors.

The LSZ notes that the Minister and others may be aggrieved by the decision of the Chipinge Magistrate in that particular manner.  However it is important to remember that any litigant has the right to appeal against any decision of a lower court up to the Supreme Court.

The LSZ calls upon the Minister concerned and any likeminded individuals to desist from inciting members of the public to disobey court orders.  Such actions, if they remain unchecked, may result in members of the public losing confidence in the justice delivery system and are likely to result in anarchy and lack of respect for our Constitutional order.

The LSZ further calls upon the Minister to immediately issue a statement in which he reaffirms his respect for the rule of law and the judiciary in Zimbabwe.  He is advised to assist the villagers to appeal against the Magistrate’s decision instead of taking the law into his own hands and advising them to disobey court orders.

Josphat Tshuma – President

FIFA World Cup Celebration

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Friday, June 11th, 2010 by Taurai Maduna

World Cup 2010 Photo Gallery

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Friday, June 11th, 2010 by Amanda Atwood

We’ve got a World Cup 2010 photo gallery and match schedule up here

We’ll be updating this gallery regularly, so watch this space!

All photographs rights reserved – © Taurai Maduna.  If you’d like to use this photograph, please email admin [at] kubatana [dot] net

The 2010 Kick Off Party in South Africa

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Friday, June 11th, 2010 by Taurai Maduna

Participate in the Kubatana survey

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Thursday, June 10th, 2010 by Amanda Atwood

We want to get to know our website users better. Do you use www.kubatana.net? If so, we want to hear from you! Please email survey [at] kubatana [dot] net and let us know:

- Your gender
- Your age
- Your occupation
- Where you’re based
- When you first found out about the Kubatana website
- How often you use it
- What you use it for
- What is your favourite part about it?
- What do you least like about it?
- Your pick to win World Cup 2010!

United We Stand for Bafana Bafana!

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Thursday, June 10th, 2010 by Taurai Maduna

Anyone coming from outta space and landing in Sandton, Johannesburg on Wednesday afternoon would have thought Bafana Bafana had just won the 2010 FIFA World Cup.

Thousands of Bafana Bafana fans from all walks of life swamped the streets of Sandton to show their support for the boys ahead of their first match with Mexico on June 11.

The fans had come to join the ‘United We Stand’ campaign, a joint initiative between my employer Primedia Broadcasting, Southern Sun and Supersport

Wearing their Bafana Bafana jerseys, they sang, danced and made the circle bigger, as they blew vuvuzela’s, kuduzela’s and the minizela, a miniature trumpet.

It was a real momentous occasion, the rainbow nation was indeed coming alive.

A few months ago, few people had kind words for the team. The nation was disappointed with the uninspiring team and many said they would be lucky to win a single match.

Since the return of Carlos Alberto Perreira, the team has not lost a match and the fans are hyped up.

Let’s get the party started and hope on July 11, 2010, we can go back to the streets and party all night long.