Kubatana.net ~ an online community of Zimbabwean activists

Archive for May, 2008

We are the ones the run off is waiting for

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Wednesday, May 14th, 2008 by Amanda Atwood

The MDC has decided to participate in a presidential run off. Many of our subscribers would support them in this decision. However, many of these same subscribers want to see the run off happen only if certain conditions are met. These are similar to the MDC’s own conditions, including:

  • Run-off to take place within two weeks, not later than 23rd May
  • Cessation of violence
  • Unfettered access for international observers
  • SADC peacekeeping force on the ground
  • Re-constitution of ZEC
  • Free press – local and international

But the deadline for when the run off should have been (no later than three weeks after the presidential results were announced – namely 23 May) is fast approaching, and the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission can only say it will announce the date “later.” It also says it’s broke – and has no money to hold a run off. Never mind that it knew a run off was a possibility, and should have budgeted accordingly.

True, a run off would be costly, and would put this already bankrupt country even further in debt. But a run off is what is required by law. And lack of funds didn’t stop the government from paying off war veterans, or financing a war in the DRC, or buying bakkies for chiefs and tractors for new farmers in blatant vote buying schemes . . .

So clearly lack of funds isn’t the real reason this run off isn’t happening.

It isn’t happening because Mugabe doesn’t want it to happen. He’s got no interest in pursuing anything that even vaguely resembles genuine democracy. And now that he’s afraid he could lose even his rigged elections, he’s lost interest in them as well.

A run off isn’t going to happen unless we – the MDC, civil society, and all Zimbabweans – make it happen.

To that end, we sought advice from our mobile subscribers and asked them this question:

Kubatana! The MDC says it will contest in a runoff. ZEC says it doesn’t have enough money to hold runoff. How do we protect our democracy?

We got some interesting responses, including:

Can’t we ask for financial assistance from the international community to enable the runoff to go ahead?

ZEC shld look for money outside e country or they just declare the winner

Zim pple who want a better future need 2 be united now more than ever and conduct an indefinite national strike so as 2 cripple the junta.

Ask Gono to print some for you?

If ZEC does not have money to conduct a run off why don’t they appeal to the int community so that we have a leader once and for all.

I think we as Zimbabweans should take it 2 the streets with protests showing that we want the runoff 2 take place ASAP!

Patience pays though we’ve to pressurise the regional & international communities to intervene despite refusal by ZANU PF.

Where is Gono? Where did ZEC get the first money?

National unity gvt the leading candidate be the leader & the run up deputise!

The Morgan should be declared the winner

The most popular leader should run the country until ZEC has resources

Peaceful non violent social action!

Appeal for donor funds with MDC conditions to end atrocities

ZEC can recommend zanu 2 get a refund from china 4 the goods in the ship of death and use the money 4 elections. Tamirira kuvhota isu vari kutinonokera

Get Round one winner to form an interim govt and the losers to hand ova power

MDC’s decision to contest in the run-off is a brilliant step to democracy. The only way to protect our democracy is to restore our faith in MDC. It is nonsense for ZEC to say they have inadequate money. ZEC is state owned so GONO must simply inject more funding for the run-off . Akambogadzira mari yeMurambatsvina saka chingamutadzisa kuprinta mari yerun off chii? ZEC is now bankrupt becoz mari yese yakaperera kumarecounts that yield nothing. Shame on ZEC

What do you think? How do we for once stand up for ourselves and make this run off happen – and make the regime respect the result once it does?

Text your ideas to +263 912 452 201

Contest, or betray the revolution

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Wednesday, May 14th, 2008 by Amanda Atwood

The MDC has announced that it will contest in the presidential run off. This will relieve many of our Kubatana subscribers, who have been adamant that they contest.

Last week, when the MDC was still debating whether to participate in a run off, we sent our subscribers this text message:

Kubatana! Runoff date not yet set. ZLHR say date should be on or b4 May 24. MDC says will decide to contest or not once date set. What do u think MDC should do?

The response was an overwhelming Participate. The vast majority of responses indicated that people thought the MDC should participate in a runoff. However, many also recognised the needs for improved conditions on the ground, so that the election would be democratic.

These are some of their submissions:

Participate to avoid giving the regime of ZPF a blank cheque. A serious political party should always remain relevant and workout counter strategies to remain popular.

MDC must contest coz it will beat ZPF hands down. People are angry with ZPF and will b angrier with the MDC if it boycotts. MDC will have betrayed the masses.

MDC should contest the election but should demand UN observer to be posted in all parts of the country

Morgi should participate in e run off. We’re more than ready-agitated rather-to dispatch old man to political dustbin. Violence wont change our vote and choice

I think MDC must be a principled party. Deciding to contest is out of question. Are they accepting the results? If yes then they are very confused!

MDC should do what must be done not what they feel like doing. The electorate has had enough of Tsvangirai threatening to pull out of election he has no right whatsoever to decide anything he must go on with the contest

Should contest when international Observers come in to observe

MDC must stop globe-trotting & begin to vigorously campaign. They’ve to contest the run-off

MDC should insist on a level playing field. If the conditions are not right it is pointless to participate

MDC shld stop the outdated game of shifting goalposts. It shld participate even tho the playing field is not even. By not participating it wld have betrayed e revolution

MDC should take part on 2 conditions: no voters roll, only IDs to be needed & international observers a must

MDC should contest in the run off because MDC will give Bob automatic victory & they would have betrayed the people

Sexualities (and much more) Under a Magnifying Glass

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Friday, May 9th, 2008 by Susan Pietrzyk

In recent discussions with several colleagues, we floated the idea of organizing a conference in Harare on sexualities. I would emphasize the full stop. Not reproductive and sexual health. Not HIV/AIDS, gender, and sexuality. Not violence against women and sexuality. Those are topics worthy of attention as well as a conference. Yet, conversations have had a slightly different focus, more an interest in exploring sexuality itself by examining, for example: How Zimbabweans understand and negotiate their own sexual selves. The rich histories of sexual practices and meanings in Zimbabwe. The ways discourses around sexuality make their way into projects of nation-building. The blending of Western and African ideas and categories in expressions of sexual rights and sexual liberation. Such a conference would continue to open up discussions about sexualities. Additionally, a meeting of the minds might lend insights into the ways sexuality relates to how day-to-day life happens, and is interwoven into economic, political, and social issues informing advocacy and challenges to the status quo.

The play Loupe, by Mandisi Gobodi, which ran during HIFA, is a good example of the ways sexuality can be an entry point to examine the landscapes and dynamics of the environments we live in. Or in this case a loupe, which is a type of magnifying glass. In the play, two brothers are at odds. One brother (Kilem) is a party commissar; he’s a comrade who likes beer, women, and power. Kilem’s younger brother (Sizwe) reveals he’s gay. In part, the play is about family bonds, while portraying a possible reaction to a family member acknowledging same-sex attraction. But the play is much, much more than a play with a “homosexual” theme. To a degree, the fact that Sizwe wants an intimate relationship another man is irrelevant. The overarching message of the play could have worked if Kilem was reacting to Sizwe having any goal he (Kilem) perceived as wrong. The play astutely unpacks, through Kilem and through sexuality, a mindset that seems present in Zimbabwe, and all over the world. It’s a mind-set driven by the desire to hold extreme and forceful power over people, ideas, and behavior. To manipulate facts, diminish individual rights, and selectively control what is acceptable. All the while building a power base to pressure others to conform. It’s a mindset that might be described as masculine, but not necessarily practiced by men only.

Gobodi’s writing is nothing short of amazingly masterful, particularly in capturing the complicated nuances of life in Zimbabwe. The play is extremely well directed and produced. And the acting . . . the performances were so powerful that when I saw the young man who played Kilem wandering around HIFA I was scared of him. Scared of the ways desire for power is exerted. The play will live on beyond HIFA as the British Council is currently working out plans for another run. It’s a must see for anyone interested in the economic, political, and social dynamics of Zimbabwe.

Old People Ask

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Friday, May 9th, 2008 by Marko Phiri

Run-off. That is in the in-word. Confusion reigns as the people try to decide and dictate the verdict that fits their circumstances. That is to say what “they” say they voted for in the past election. Not just that, but also what they believe they deserve. And then what after THE election? What election? And then the people, the so-called masses, get the little pleasures from their already wretched existence after THE election. They know what they want. Feed the kids, send them to school. Have a job. Have access to ARVs. The other day a toothless grannie said: why this stubbornness? She should know. She is from that generation that hid the present oppressors from the other oppressors. And then what? No one knows anymore. A good man gone bad? Ask the Jesuits perhaps? A freedom fighter gone anonymous? Ask Twoboy? Once upon a time a “people person?” A toothless old man said: “Is this old man still in charge?” He spoke b’coz he knew. Questions. Questions. Questions. But when the old people start cursing, perhaps someone should pay attention.

Mugabe / Macbeth

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Wednesday, May 7th, 2008 by Bev Clark

I’m lucky enough to get copies of The Guardian Weekly, now and again. Unfortunately not on weekly basis but that’s ok. They’re given to me to read by a friend of a friend who subscribes. Reading the letters section of an old copy last night I came upon a letter that referred to Mugabe saying that he echoes the description of Macbeth towards the end of Shakespeare’s play:

“Now does he feel / His secret murders sticking on his hands / . . . / Those he commands move only in command, / Nothing in love; now does he feel his title / Hang loose about him, like a giant’s robe / Upon a dwarfish thief.”

The writer of the letter reminds us that Macbeth dies unloved by anyone, even by those who gave him “mouth-honour” and “curses not loud, but deep”.

Eyeball to eyeball

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Wednesday, May 7th, 2008 by Bev Clark

Having finally gotten so fed up with my local banking hall because it never has power, is never online, seldom has cash and always allows the police and military to jump the queue, I called their public relations department. The guy I spoke with was charming and concerned and cheerfully told me told me that I was justified in complaining because my branch is rated second worst in the entire country. Top bad spot goes to their branch in Chivhu, I was told. When I raised the issue of our army and police bullies and said that his staff need some help in telling them to wait their turn, he said that when we come “eyeball to eyeball with a soldier we crumble into jelly’ . . . quite right I said, but What Are We Going To Do About It? I could visualise him sitting at his desk in Borrowdale slowly shaking his head, as I am mine.