Kubatana.net ~ an online community of Zimbabwean activists

Archive for April, 2008

It must have been rigged

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Thursday, April 10th, 2008 by Amanda Atwood

It must have been rigged

South African cartoonist Zapiro sums up what most of us have been feeling. How ironic is it that Mugabe, of all people, reckons this election was rigged. Who else could have rigged it but him?

Waiting somewhere visible

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Thursday, April 10th, 2008 by Amanda Atwood

Along with Bev and the rest of the team at Kubatana.net, not to mention the vast majority of our SMS subscribers, I’m impatient with this non-release of the presidential result from our March 29 election. It’s now 12 days since we voted, and the High Court judge hearing the MDC’s petition to force the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission to release the results reckons that, maybe, if he exerts himself, he might have a decision by next week Monday about whether ZEC has to tell the people of Zimbabwe what the outcome our so-called democratic election.

Hundreds of our subscribers have been emailing and texting us with their frustrations, all of whom are gobsmacked at this interminable delay. What was the points of us all going to the polls if we’re never told what the result is?

For example, Brian, one of our subscribers wrote recently, saying “Still waiting. Why not wait some where visible?” We put this comment in our newsletter today, and another subscriber wrote back:

I for one absolutely agree with Brian. Let us go out there and wait somewhere everday. Simply got to the ZEC offices sit outside and wait. Nobody goes to work. We wait. I’m tired of the arrogance. Nobody should be allowed to mess with a nation’s collective voice, the ballot!

I couldn’t agree more.

So I was gratified to see WOZA, at least Doing Something, and not just sitting back and waiting. They held a demonstration in Bulawayo yesterday to protest the delay and to call on ZEC to release the presidential results immediately. Around 800 members held a peaceful protest, toyi toying through Zimbabwe’s second largest city to the steps of the Bulawayo High Court. The police, as they put it, arrived late (like ZEC), and only managed to arrest a few flyers and placards.

Mugabe: R.I.P.

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Thursday, April 10th, 2008 by Bev Clark

It’s about 3:45 in the afternoon and one of Mugabe’s jet fighters is buzzing our Harare skies. As much as I hate it my skin involuntarily goose pimples. It’s intimidating, it’s threatening and it’s a fucking waste of fuel. Here on the ground, we breathe in deeply, swallow our distaste and we get on with our work.

And, we have a laugh . . . Mugabe: R.I.P (Rigging In Process)

Patience is a virtue?

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Wednesday, April 9th, 2008 by Bev Clark

My Radox Stress Release bubble bath has run out, and so has my patience.

In no particular order, I’m fed up with:

a) vendors selling me over priced trays of eggs whilst I’m crossing the road
b) dead of night tsotsis stealing telephone cables rendering all phones kaput
c) my hunting dog waking me up at 4am, 3 nights in a row
d) civil society fear merchants who say Don’t Do A Damned Thing, or we’ll provoke a state of emergency in Zimbabwe
e) Mugabe
f) waiting

When is the old man going?

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Wednesday, April 9th, 2008 by Marko Phiri

An old woman asked me the other day: “What is happening my son? When is the old bugger going?” I almost lost my step, but quickly recovered as it occurred to me that this was one election whole generations had not seen in a long time. But to have an old woman who has since retired from her vending outside the local pub and is looking after a brood of grandchildren asking about the hottest news story at the moment meant “the old bugger” had indeed stepped on the toes (some say hearts) of people who in the past would not have been bothered about the politics of this House of Stones.

Then I remembered the women who had been battered by riot police as they marched across the country taking the regime to task about issues ranging from starving children to sanitary ware to a new constitution. Some of these valiant women had indeed met their death as they marched for a better Zimbabwe, and it got me thinking. This old woman concerned about post-election Zimbabwe, and evidently concerned about her own future and that of her grandchildren, could easily be one of those many women who in the recent past took to the streets to have their voices heard. But by the belligerence we have seen and heard with the pugnacious veterans of the 70s bush war declaring once again they will not allow imperialists to take over the country, the poor old granny could just find herself on the receiving end of booted feet, clenched fists and spiked cudgels.

And for what? For daring to demand their inalienable right to choose the political leaders they want. Does this man ever sleep? If he does, we can only guess what he dreams about. But the granny proffers a clue about what SHE dreams about. She still has hope for a better Zimbabwe.

Bread, milk and toilet paper

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Wednesday, April 9th, 2008 by Bev Clark

I’ve just been into my bank and the conversation went something like this

“Are you online?”
- yes

“Do you have cash?”
- no

“Is the ATM working?”
- no

As Comrade Fatso reminds us in his blog below, our streets are now our supermarkets, and our banks are dealers on corners.

Torn posters of presidential candidates on durawalls. At every intersection. At every street corner. It feels like something from the past, from another era. But this is the era we are in now. Still hanging on the sun-soaked slogans of these ripped-apart politicians. The fist and the fury is our daily bread, our breakfast. As we sit at the robots, the traffic lights. Still. Not moving.

As they decided to invade farms and arrest election officials this past that we are living in just became a worse future. The parallel realities we live in have become the only reality now. The other one is paralysed. So bread is now hustled on street corners for two US dollars. Like an illegal drug. Milk has also joined the list of ‘goods’ that are sold in our parallel economy. Not in the shops but on the streets. And if you’re looking for toliet paper then just drive to the nearest ‘Give Way’ sign, a Zimbabwean ‘Stop’ sign.

In our country survival was criminalised a long time ago. We don’t know what is upside-down or downside-up. Normal means no electricity and a drop of water from the tap. Yet our rulers fill the news with talk of the need for a re-count before Zimbabweans know the-count. Filling the news like cramming empty shop shelves with toilet paper. A disgusting illusion. A lie.